Monkey Love
hanging from the branches of your arms
dreaming of bananas,
I long only for things prosaic
things without poetry or fire
like bread and flesh and earth
like soil and seed and water
like the body evidence of sweat,
undeodorized, fresh with odour,
neither seas nor sunsets will serve this need
I long only…
to clasp the trunk of your body
and hug you like the monkey hugs the tree
a hairy love in an embrace of leaves
Death of a Poem
(For Sesan)
there is a lie in every line that rhymes
a line in every rhyme that lies
to tell the tale of a boy who loved beauty
so much he could not take the warts
that punctured the rhyming lyrics of his life
the debris and the log that punctuated
the flow of the river and the grace of the seagull
he couldn’t take it here
and one cloudless day
sunshine pouring like crystal showers
his spirit soared above the skies
leaving behind the lies in the rhymes
This dull, dull craft of words
Can it capture the dark delight of his life?