Thank you very much Derek for agreeing to grant this interview.
May be we should start by asking you to give a brief history of
the Centre, when did it start and how did it start? What was the
vision of the people who started it.
Peterson: Well it started a long time before I
came to Cambridge. It was started in 1965 by an anthropologist named
Audrey Richards, a very important anthropologist. Cambridge was
at that time a major centre for anthropological research about Africa.
In addition to Richards, Jack Goody, Meyer Fortes and other eminent
anthropologists were all employed here as lecturers and researchers.
What made Richards stand out among all these otherwise distinguished
anthropologists was his interest in developing a more interdisciplinary
approach to the study of Africa. The Centre was thus established
as a platform through which different people who were studying Africa
in the University could be brought together. In addition, I think
the man wanted to use the African Studies Centre to break away from
certain aspects of the anthropological tradition. You know anthropology
had, in the early twentieth century, been very much a discipline
that was in the service of colonial government studies. Anthropologists
for example had helped to establish the ‘customary’
legal codes by which ‘rural’ communities were governed.
The discipline thus became a tool through which Governments reinforced
native authorities’ hold on the people and created a kind
of intellectual structure by which colonial governments could work.
The 1960s, as you know, was a time of massive political change,
with nationalist movements taking over power in dozens of African
states. Richards saw the period as an appropriate time to open out
the study of Africa to historians, literary scholars, political
scientists, geographers and others whose disciplinary approaches
could help make sense of the times.
The Centre has never had much by way of a teaching role. It was
actually conceived to promote research and scholarship and to help
bring scholars who teach and research on Africa at the University
together with scholars from African and other European and American
Universities to create a kind of bridge between Cambridge and the
rest of the world. Well, we also coordinate a seminar series, run
periodic conferences and host a forty - thousand volume library.
Raji: You’ve already talked about the status of the
Centre. You said it is not a teaching Department, so how then do
you go about achieving this objective of trying to bring together
scholars from Africa and scholars in Cambridge who are interested
in African Studies, you know, from different perspectives; historical,
geographical, and literary. So how have you been going about this?
Peterson: Well, the main thing we are doing at
the moment - in the past five years really - is running what we
call the Visiting Fellowship programme, for which we have money
from the Fords Foundation every year to bring five scholars from
African Universities to Cambridge to conduct research for six months.
That is the programme, which of course you’re on. The thing
has really been very successful. We’ve had about twenty graduates
from the programme since 2003. It was begun by my predecessor, a
man named Ato Quayson.
Raji: The Ghanaian?
Peterson: Yes, that’s right. Altogether,
we’ve had twenty graduates on the programme, one of whom was
Ezenwa Ohaeto, who died here last year just after a few days on
the programme. Otherwise, a lot of people had come through the programme
in its entirety. Four new fellows have just been appointed, and
their programme will run from October this year till March 2008.
On the whole, we’ve had about twenty graduates on the programme…
Raji: Together with the four that I hear have just
been appointed.
Peterson: Together with the four they will be twenty-three
I guess. Remarkably, we’ve just taken a census of the publications
pushed out by our former visiting fellows. There have been up to
twenty books and articles published by our former visiting fellows
who have spent time here in Cambridge in the same capacity as yourself,
conducting research; and based on that research they’ve written
over twenty books and articles with a lot more work preparation
as well.
The programme has been successful in promoting research on Africa
and giving scholars the time they need to do the kind of research
and scholarship that they often find difficult to do in their home
Universities due to time squeeze. Also, administratively, it’s
given people a sense of a break, an opportunity to get away from
that very often, you know, heavy responsibilities in their home
Universities, and they’ve gone back with great success. Last
year’s group of visiting fellows were here to study African
literature and perhaps you know, we had at least three Nigerians
- Remi Raji, Isidore Diala and Ezenwa whom I referred to earlier.
Isidore Diala is now Head of Department at Imo State University.
Another scholar, Omar Sougou, was elected as Dean of his Faculty
at Gaston Berger University in Senegal. So the programme has been
very successful in that we’ve been able to create platforms
for interaction between us and African scholars and we want to carry
that forward. We’ve applied for further funding now and I
hope we’ll get it to carry the programme through another five
years. In the next 5 years, we hope that we would have succeeded
in our plans to establish partnerships with African Universities,
with certain Universities that have strength in a given area of
study, whether in literature, politics, or in other fields. We will
invite two scholars from that partner University plus four scholars
from elsewhere in Africa to come to Cambridge for six months as
you and your colleagues have done. And then after the fellowship
is over, all of us, including one or two Cambridge scholars, will
go to the partner University to hold a conference and to conduct
some teaching, the aim of which will be to sort of create a more
firm link between Cambridge and a specific African institution.
In 2008/2009, I hope we will be able to inaugurate this collaboration
with the University of Botswana. The plan is to put together a research
group to deal with what is called Peacemaking and Transitional Government.
We’ll bring four or five scholars from elsewhere in Africa
plus two scholars from Botswana to Cambridge and then we’ll
all go to Botswana in 2009 to conduct a conference on the theme.
I hope that will be a way to sort of expand on what we’ve
already done and to introduce ourselves directly to partner Universities
in Africa.
Raji: That’s great, and I really hope it
works out well. Now these scholars who have been coming here, what
status do they have in Cambridge? What do they do, really? How do
they work? What do they benefit from? What facilities of the University
are available to them?
Peterson: You mean the visiting fellows? Oh, they
reside in Wolfson College while here. Wolfson is a college located
in the western side of the town. They have lodging in the college,
they take their meals there. They participate in the college’s
social life. They receive a monthly allowance to take care of their
needs and are involved in the seminar series of the African Studies
Centre. In general, they are made to be part of the programme that
we put up for the respective years at the Centre. We organize seminars
throughout the whole year that relates directly to the theme of
the fellowship group. So the theme for this year is Africa and the
Atlantic world. We had four or five seminars late last year to deal
with that theme and we’re having six lectures this year on
Abolition and the Atlantic History. All of this is meant to help
introduce visiting fellows to permanent scholars in their field
who come to Cambridge for the lecture or for the seminar series
and the lecturer will have a chance to meet the visiting fellows
and interact with them. Perhaps I should add that in Cambridge,
fellows are given more or less free rein to do whatever they want
to pursue their research.
Raji: You said the other time that the Centre hosts
a library with a forty – thousand volume of books and journals.
Is this the only library that Visiting fellows have access to while
in Cambridge?
Peterson: Oh no. Fellows make use of other libraries
as well. There are over eighty libraries in this university actually.
The University library is one of the biggest in the country, in
Europe, infact. There are also specialized libraries where you can
go, like the Literature Faculty library which has got specific resources
in that field of study.
Raji: In one advertisement, well it’s the
one under which I applied. Because part of what was stated was that
applications are invited from scholars to take up African research
fellowship and out of those who are invited, one would be made a
Smuts Visiting fellow; I just want to ask what is this African Smuts
Fellowship about?
Peterson: I think you’re mixing things up.
Smuts fellowship is a separate one. We have a post-doctoral fellowship
that is connected with the centre, which is a 3 year post-doc. To
qualify for this you have to have a Ph.D that is not older than
5 years. The successful candidate will come to Cambridge for 3 years
and you have basically that time to do research and to write. At
the moment we have Giacomo Macola on the fellowship and he is retiring
this year. His fellowship is coming to an end. We just opened up
the application for the next competition and we are hoping to have
a lot of applicants out of which we will elect the next Smuts visiting
fellow. The fellow can be from any discipline and we expect to get
a lot of applications. We are hoping to appoint someone to start
in October this year. Well, unfortunately, we’re only able
to elect only one post – doc every three year.
Raji: So when did you start this Smuts visiting
Peterson: Well that has begun since, I think, the
Raji: The 3 year post-doc?
Peterson: Yes, the University has an endowment
which was created on the death of John Smuts who was the Prime Minister
of South Africa. So that money is used to fund the Smuts’
post-doc and also other activities to do with Commonwealth history
and studies.
Raji: But there is another fellowship, they call
it Smuts Visiting Fellowship in Commonwealth Studies.
Peterson: Yes, that’s for professorship.
Infact it’s a Smuts Visiting Professorship in Commonwealth
Raji: The address is 4 Mills Lane or something.
Peterson: Yes, that’s right. Smuts’
Memorial Fund Secretariat is in 4 Mills Lane. The African Studies
Centre has no direct control over it. The Visiting Professorship
in Commonwealth Studies is open to African scholars who want to
come to Cambridge for research as well as scholars from any other
part of the Commonwealth including Australia, New Zealand and India.
Raji: It can only be open then to scholars from African countries
that are part of the Commonwealth.
Peterson: That’s right. You apply through the Smuts Fund directly
and this year I think they elected two Smuts professors and each
now has the whole calendar year to spend in Cambridge utilising
their Sabbatical. Last year’s Smuts professors were Ike Achebe,
the son of Chinua Achebe and one Professor Heywood who is in History.
This year I think there is only one Smuts professor. It’s
Christine Opong who is an Anthropologist from the University of
Accra in Ghana. The Smuts professorships are usually given to senior
scholars, who have published a lot and are quite eminent in their
fields of study.
Raji: So that means that there is a variety of
opportunities for African scholars to conduct researches in Cambridge.
Peterson: Yes, I think.
Raji: Well Cambridge is a highly hierarchically
structured place, so what is the status of the Centre of African
Studies? Is it a Department or a unit of a Department?
Peterson: It is not a Department.
Raji: What then is the status of the director?
Peterson: The director is a volunteer basically,
and is fully appointed by the relevant faculty. We don’t have
any academic staff that work full-time in the Centre. We have one
administrator who is there to take care of the record of all administrative
work that is carried out there, and we have one librarian who is
there full-time as well. We don’t normally have any academic
staff because we don’t have students. We are thinking at the
moment of creating a Masters programme in African Studies which
I hope we will be able to start in 2008/2009; and it will be open
to any applicant who wants to come to Cambridge and do a one - year
Masters degree course in African Studies. The idea would be that
there will be a core seminar that will sort of introduce students
to different disciplinary approaches to the study of African history
literature, geography and other such topics. Students will also
take courses in any one of the Faculties that offer courses relating
to Africa. I hope that that will be running for the first time in
2008. If that happens we will likely have to hire a full time teaching
officer. But that, as you know, from your own university, is quite
difficult. It is difficult to get universities to hire new people.
So I have to do a certain amount of lobbying. If it works, I hope
that the Centre will be able for the first time to have core students
who we will be teaching directly.
Raji: So the directorship is absolutely voluntary.
You mean he doesn’t have the status of Head of Department?
Peterson: I have the status of a Head of Department
but I am not compensated in any way. I don’t get any remuneration
for what I do.
Raji: Does the Centre have any official organ?
Does it publish a journal or may be occasional publication?
Peterson: We used to have a journal at the centre
called the JOURNAL OF MODERN AFRICAN STUDIES. We used to have as
well a book series in the 1980’s that has since kind of died
out because we found it difficult to sell the books. We couldn’t
find a market for the books. We are just now starting, I hope, a
new book series that should see its first publication later this
year. It will be co-published by us and the Ohio University Press.
The first volume will be titled RE-CHARTING THE PAST: HISTORY, WRITING
conference that we organized in the Centre last year before you
came, about Ethno-history. That is about the kind of ideas that
inform historical work that scholars in local African societies
engage in in an effort to write their history. We held the conference
in May last year and we brought two practising Ethno-historians
from Africa, one of them being a core historian on Western Uganda.
We brought them to Cambridge. We had a number of scholars who came
and spoke about Ethno-history and we’re going to have a publication
that will come out of that conference. The second volume I think
will also be a collection, an edited collection of papers coming
out of a lecture series that you’ve been attending this year.
We hope we’ll be able to publish these lectures so that scholars
will be able to read what these eminent people have been saying
here at Cambridge.
Raji: That’s good. Which leads us to the
Bi-centenary celebration of the abolition of slave-trade which is
going on now and which you have just touched upon. I see that it
is being coordinated by the African Studies Centre. Was it entirely
a programme of the Centre, or was it that of the University? Whose
idea was it originally?
Peterson: Cambridge is a very decentralized place
- I think you know that already. So, basically different parts of
the University was developing separate programmes to celebrate the
Bi-centenary and we ended up sort of co-ordinating them and putting
them together to create a unified focus. We printed those flyers
that you saw circulated and of course the comprehensive programme.
Our main contribution at the Centre is to hold these lecture series
you’ve been attending. It’s on Slavery and Abolition
in the Atlantic world.
Raji: But there was also this reception that was
attended even by the University Vice-Chancellor…
Peterson: Yes, we’ve got
a lot of things going on in Cambridge in relation to that. Several
other colleges in Cambridge put up one thing or the other just to
mark the bi-centenary. One major conference that held in February
in putting it up was to draw attention to contemporary forms of
inequality in our world. That conference was held in St. John’s
College and it was quite successful. The Deputy Secretary-General
of the United Nations spoke and it drew a lot of crowd. In a way
the Bi-ceneinary celebration is a kind of ambiguous occasion for
me. As you would have seen, it has to a certain extent become an
occasion in which British political leaders want to beat their chests
about their roles in bringing slavery to an end. And about what
they did in the past to help advance liberty. I don’t think
myself that that is how this occasion should be remembered. We’ve
tried to organize this lecture series so that it can be shown that
the period of abolition of slavery wasn’t a moment of profound
transition in the real sense of the word. Rather it marked the beginning
of a different form of inequality and political exploitation, particularly
colonial imperialism. That is part of the theme of these lectures
that you’ve been listening to in the past four weeks. The
lectures are about the intersections between Abolitionism and Imperialism.
Raji: Thank you very much. Briefly, I don’t
know if you can remember the names of some of the beneficiaries
of the African Studies Visiting fellowship scheme from other countries.
You mentioned quite a number from Nigeria: can you remember the
names of the fellowship winners from other parts of Africa?
Peterson: Well there’s been quite a number from other
countries. Last year’s team was a literary group and I mentioned
the names of Isidore Diala, Remi Raji and Ezenwa Ohaeto.
Raji: Those are Nigerians, I mean from other African
Peterson: From next year, a group of scholars will
be working on the theme of Religion and Public Culture in Africa
and there is a man named Kenneth Kibala, who is an expert in Kiswahili
language and literature. He teaches at a University in Kenya. There
is also a womancoming from the same country. -Anyway, two years
ago we had a group of scholars; Geoffrey Asiimwe who is Head of
Department of History and Development Studies in Makarere University,
Uganda. There also were Babere Chacha, a historian from Egerton
University in Kenya and Angela Impey who is from the University
of Kwa Zulu Natal working on Musicology. In 2003/04, we had Kenneth
Ombongi who teaches in the History Department at the University
of Nairobi, Leslie Bank who is of the Institute of Social and Economic
Research, Rhodes University, and Lovemore Togaressi from the Department
of Religious Studies, University of Zimbabwe. So really, we ‘ve
had quite a number of interesting people who have come to be part
of the fellowship scheme.
Raji: I need to clarify one point, just for the
record. Unlike the African Studies Fellowship, the three - year
Smuts Visiting Fellowship isn’t solely for scholars who are
based in Africa. It is for scholars in African Studies generally,
irrespective of whether they are based in Africa, Europe or America.
I just thought it’s necessary to clarify that in the context
of this discussion.
Peterson: Yes, that’s right. It’s
for scholars of African Studies generally, and they don’t
have to be Africans, even. As you know Giacomo Macola who is currently
on it is Italian.
Raji: Thanks for that further clarification. Now
let’s goto the names of some of the former directors of the
Centre. You mentioned the first one, and your predecessor.
Peterson: Ato Quayson is my immediate predecessor.
He was director for four years. Before him there was a man named
( name not clear) who was here for many years in the 1990’s
and who now is based in the University College, London.
Raji: Is he British?
Peterson: He is British. Oh, he may be an Australian
actually – I’m not sure.
Raji: What’s his area of specialization?
Peterson: He is an anthropologist. Before that
there was another anthropologist named Ray Abrahamson who is also
British, worked on East Africa and was here for a very long time.
Before him, … I don’t know.
Raji: That’s okay. The current director,
can we have some information on him, his educational background,
research interest, when he became director, etc.
Peterson: I’m an American, I had my Ph.D
in History from the University of Minnesota, United States. I wrote
my first book on the History of Language and Literature in Central
Kenya, Gikuyu land. It may be of interest to you that I did my dissertation
and wrote my first book on, among other things, Ngugi Wa Thiong
O, the Kenyan author and novelist. I’m now writing a History
of what is called the East African Revival. It is a Christian conversion
movement that started in the 1930’s in Uganda and spread through
East Africa in the 1940’s and 50’s, and my interest
is on the tension between this revivalist movement on the one hand,
and political nationalists on the other hand. Nationalists saw the
revivalists as being unpatriotic. The christians had a habit of
confessing their sins in public. They would stand out in public
meetings or in bus-stops or in market places and talk out loud about
the things that they had done secretly. It became a very sensitive
issue and throughout East Africa there have been very deep tension
between the revivalists and local political organizations at different
times. I have spent quite some time researching into the issue and
it’s really been interesting. I came to Cambridge two years
ago and was elected Director of African Studies in 2005.
Raji: Thank you very much for this interview.

 |
Lecturer, Wumi Raji, was a cambridge researcher during the
interview. He is a prize-winning writer, poet, playwright
and author of Rolling Dreams; Poems |