Bashir Adan
  Pius Adesanmi

  Ibrahim Al-Koni
  Isaac Anyaogu
  Malika Assal
  Ellen Banda-Aaku
  Juliane Okot-Bitek
  Elaine Chiew
  I. Iyi-Eweka Chou
 Funmi Fetto
  Tendai Huchu
  Mamle Kabu
  A. Kourouma  
  K. W. Kgositsile
  Daniel P. Kunene
  Ryan Eric Lamb
  R. Makamane
  M. Makonnen
  Sarah L. Manyika
  Tola Ositelu
  Martin A. Ramos
  Ayo Morocco-Clarke
  S. D. Partington
  Marcia Lynx Qualey
  Marilyn H. Mills
  Mohamed Raïhani
  John Stephen Rae
  Geoff Ryman
  Essia Skhiri
  Christian Uwe
  Zukiswa Wanner
  Anita P. Williams





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Elaine Chiew

Chiew lives in Hong Kong. Her short stories
have won the Bridport Prize (2008) Dzanc
Books’ Best of the Web (2008) and the Per
Contra Prize (Top Ten Winner, 2008). Her
work has appeared in various literary journals
such as Front Porch, Pedestal, Storyglossia
and One World Anthology (New Internationalist,
Oxford, 2009).


Elaine Chiew





In African Writing:


   The Wonderful, Amazing, No. 1 Recliner 11

My wife, Doreen, knew that the day would come when the disease in my kidneys would
flare up and put a lease on my life. To prepare herself, she’d sold our house, planned our retirement, bought us a smaller terraced house with a garden and koi pond in a largish town with cleaner air but astoundingly great food, ten minutes from a full treatment hospital, three minutes if you really stepped on it. That day came to pass, and I found myself a patient at the hemodialysis ward at Ipoh’s Hospital of St. Francis Assisi. Altogether, there were sixteen patients there... continues







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